Sunday, December 03, 2017

Our Lady's Pope


  1. Terry. Are you purposely posting this in reply to this? How can one reconcile what he has done with the AAS and this title you have given the Pope. I won't lie, this is a little bit of a spiritual shake up to me and I'm looking for someone to help frame this with the Mind of the Church.

    1. Not at all. Don't worry Julian. It will all work out.

  2. It seems to me that Our Lady must be very displeased with the Pope's latest proclamation that those in mortal sin can receive Holy Communion. Our Lady does not approve of false teaching and sacrilege.

    1. What is your source for this?

    2. I do not for a minute believe the Holy Father is teaching error.

    3. It's been published in the AAS and there is a rescript from a meeting the Secretary of State had with the Pope approving the interpretation of Amoris Laetitia that says that adulterers CAN receive Holy Communion. This is being reported in many places and, if you know latin, you can actually read it in the AAS. What we have here is heresy, plain and simple, and because it's published in the AAS and there is an official rescript from a meeting with the Pope authorizing that interpretation as "authentic magisterium" it's public heresy. To keep burying our head in the sand and pretending this isn't happening and continuing to say that Francis is not teaching error, when he is, is not healthy for the Church. WAKE UP people!

  3. What people have learned from school catechisms or many theology texts does not equal the full deposit of faith which is a mystery and which is subject to authentic doctrinal development. Either there are some who simply do not understand the traditional gray matter of morality/personal culpability OR Jesus lied and the Pope is not protected by the Holy Spirit from teaching error in matters of faith and morals. My money has been, is now, and always will be, with the man to whom the Holy Spirit has said through the Church: "You are Peter..."

    1. It's a big FU to Jesus and all faithful Catholics.

  4. I don't know the details and they do not affect me or concern me. My head is not buried in sand but in the bosom of Christ who may be asleep in the boat, but is present nonetheless. I can't explain it, but my faith is not shaken and I love the Holy Father and trust him as the Successor of Peter. I am confident and unafraid and pray for the Holy Father. My pastor just returned from Italy and when he met the Pope the Holy Father pulled his rosary out of his pocket and told him and his companions - "Pray the Rosary every day - every day!" He can't say that and teach error. God bless you - let's keep Jesus company and console him as he sleeps in our souls and works there quietly and mercifully sustaining and perfecting our faith.

  5. Each of us know truth and can apply to our life. Let the Priests deal with the behaviors of others as regards faith and morals.

    1. We seem to agree on everything! ;)

  6. Soul mates my brother😊 there might be something we disagree on but it is probably minor like how much ketchup to put on French fries.

    1. There you go. I don't use ketchup. Haha!


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