Thursday, September 07, 2017

Undoing knots ...

Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted 
the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children,
 I entrust into your hands the ribbon of my life. 
No one, not even the evil one himself, 
can take it away from your precious care. 
In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone.

Every day.

I'm finding the greatest consolation in this devotion, with little miracles every day. I am not even asking for specific things, instead each morning I'm leaving it to Our Lady to sort out. I've always had a lot of problems - now it is time for Our Lady to finally straighten everything out.


  1. I gave that novena book to my Lutheran friend, who gasped when she saw the list of issues to be prayed for. I didn't know why I bought that for her, but God did.

    1. Tomorrow is Our Lady's Birthday, so I'm giving her all my knots.

  2. I have read that Papa Francis has a devotion to Our Lady of Knots. That is a consolation that I am sure makes him and our Lady very happy. ^^

    1. Yes he does - that is why he is good - OL takes care of everything. Just imagine how much she loves him!

  3. Terry, I have 7 siblings, all still practising, happily married, etc. Each sibling in turn gets to pick someone (a child, grandchild, friend, etc) for whom they wish the other seven to say the novena with them. We begin each novena on a Sunday and finish on the Monday nine days later. The few days break allow us to pray for other causes. Then we begin with the next novena the next Sunday. We've been doing this for many months. To make things easier we have adapted the prayers to read 'him' or 'her' depending on whether we are praying for a him or a her. :) We love this way of praying .. 8 of us for the same person on the same day.


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