Wednesday, August 10, 2016

You win. I lose.

To tell the truth, I have bent over backwards trying to see some good in this woman and her campaign - I have strained the gnat with her VP running mate - looking for a thread of justification to vote for them - hoping, thinking, believing - at least he's a Catholic - a 'liberal' no doubt - but maybe he'll have a deeper conversion or just be more open to life and maybe even have some influence with Hillary on the issues.  Maybe his 'seamless garment' might get a hole poked in it when it comes to abortion and gender-politics and homosexual marriage and, and, and, and ... boing!

But then Joe Biden steps out - he's really one of my favorite people in the world BTW!  I'm so serious.  But then he goes and marries two guys in his house.  A good Catholic man marries two men.  How does that work?

Then it hits me.  I realize I'm in denial, magical thinking mode, co-dependent-enabler gear.

I lost - all is lost - these people have a different faith than I do, they follow a different form of Catholicism than I do.  They don't read the same Catechism.  That's it!  That's how and why they are such good Catholics then!  Nope.  I'm not judging.  I'm not condemning.

I just can't vote for these people.


  1. Hoping you're serious cause I ain't voting for them despite their being "Catholic" ... We just don't eat at the same cafeteria.

    1. I'm very serious. I have tried to nurture that hope - but I can't do it. It's not just the abortion issue either. It's totally immoral and corrupt.

  2. I understand your dilemma. Many of us are there too. I rule out a Trump vote for obvious reasons. I am reading as much as I can about Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. I think on my farm days of Hillary if it looks close in Ny which is doubtful. Then there is a write in, but who? How sad. Do not ask why but I have a feeling both Trump and Hillary maybe disqualified before Nov. There is so much happening out there. It boggles the mind,

    1. Auto correct is awful. Farm days should read dark days. Sometimes I think my writing is automatic writing although that connotes evil spirit doing the writing. Maybe not too far fetched on my "dark" days on the farm?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thankful I am not American and having to make this choice. However, our leader is just as morally bankrupt. *sigh*

  5. yeah, Wallace, I too wonder about November: 'tho far-fetched it is no longer impossible for me to think that Obama could 'cancel' the election: as with other high-handed decisions he has made, he could do the same here. He could remain president until other 'feasible' candidates could arise: or....just declare some kind of state of emergency and stay on...both seem so lame to me. Hillary seems Much Much worse to me: and although I deleted my comment of a few days ago...I have to say that there are some really alarming items about her health and dependance upon close aids for physical/mental assistance.
    Many times in the past I thought we were in dire straits regarding major elections, but that was small change compared to this.

    1. Amazing - someone just sent me a news story speculating on that - Obama cancelling the election - if that happens I think Charlie Johnston really is a prophet.

  6. these people have a different faith than I do

    They believe in power above all else.

  7. ...btw own Abbe-cat has been ill, and spent a weekend in the e.r. for animals, open when regular vets are closed. We are really lucky here to have this -
    She had pneumonia, and I missed asthma, as what I took to be 'normal' cat hacking/vomiting food that stains carpets/hairball stuff (sorry to be graphic to those non-feline loving readers -) has evidently been asthma attacks, all this time...She was in a clear box with oxygen for quite a while: now I give her albuterol...not often; in an odd cat-designed contraption.
    I have to admit I am in an equally odd fragile state. Would you...spare some prayers for my best, & at the moment, only, friend, I despair at the thought of her passing ? Perhaps you could ask Gabby, as well, to pray for her ?
    do you ever wonder about Tom Aquinas and what he 'saw' for him to declare that all he had written was 'as straw': for the Glory of God was so very much more staggering than anything even he could have imagined ? I think about...I can't describe it well: eternal, always was, always will be, no beginning, no end, as in the Holy Trinity: sempiternity as in 'us', a beginning but no end...or animals, a beginning And An End - a body animated by a soul, but the soul ceases with the death of the body. and so do you think that St. Thomas' thoughts on all of this does not encompass God's great embrace of His Creation, that perhaps what He saw as Good, Very Good, such as innocent animals, would be rewarded, as well, in Heaven ? For, don't they obey His laws of creation, and suffer so...and bring God great joy ? And what does Our Lord think about their great suffering at our hands....
    inquiring minds need to know....

    1. Oh I'm sorry about Abbe - I will pray for both of you - and Gabby will too - readers must think we are nuts - but who cares. LOL!

      I too often consider that episode in Thomas's life - at the end - along with Paul's statement no eye has seen, no ear heard, no heart imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. That's why we can believe and hope - even hoping against hope, as Paul says Abraham did.

      Big hug and prayers.

    2. I think there is a lot of consolation at Msgr. Pope's blog about our beloved animals.

    3. oh Randy, thank you so much for this link to Msgr: still unanswered is whether My specific companions will be there, or, indeed, if I will be, of course. that video is, a cat would never give it up, would they ?

  8. Anyone here seen the recent articles re: the murders & suicides of members of the DNC who were going to testify against the Clintons or meet w/the FBI? I haven't seen any mainstream outlets report on this ... know what I'm voting for? The Benedict Option! Our American society is in the toilet.

    1. I saw that list in a combox on Fox News. Claiming that Obama will stop the election to stay in power is old news. The same was said of Bill Clinton years ago when some guy by the name of Larry Nichols was saying he "had the goods on Clinton."

      Even then folks did not seem to care as it just seemed an outrageous claim to be making especially since "this is the USA, it will never happen here."

      It is gonna happen here sooner or later and when we least expect it. In the meantime, like I've said before, as long as our belly is full, Internet connection is good, no one is looking ... I don't care.

    2. Larry Nichols claims he feared for his life too.

      Here's info on him incase you all don't know who he is:

      There's lots on the internet about him and the claims he makes. I don't know if any of it is true. In the meantime, let's keep praying for beloved USA.

      Maria, Madre de Dios, Patrona de las Americas, ruega por nosotros. Amen!


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