Monday, July 07, 2014

Novena: Beata Vergine Maria del Monte Carmelo

The novena begins today - if you are interested.

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is my special patroness, her holy Scapular my protection.  Last night as I kissed it I thought of it like my bankie - my security blanket.  You know how little kids have bankies?  It is so much more than that of course.

I wear my scapular always - like an Orthodox Jew wears a tzizit.  

It is the sign of my consecration to Our Lady - I'm her servant and keep.  It's a habit.  A sign of the yoke of Christ, whose slave I am through the Blessed Virgin Mary of Monte Carmelo.  You do not have to be a Carmelite to wear one, although once enrolled you are connected to the Carmelite Orders - but you get to remain an ordinary Christian.

When I was little I liked the scapulars with pictures because that way I could always look at the Blessed Virgin and the Child Jesus.  Today I wear plain ones.  I still like pictures though.

So!  How you maka novena?

It's so easy.  Each day you saya* the prayers - the Rosary, the Hail Mary's, the liturgical prayer of the festa - hey?  Or you pray special ones like these here.  The bigga important part is to pray to the Madonna every day, ask her for what you need - tell her you love her, ask her what she wants you should do.  Wear her scapular and honor her images.  She's our Mother.  Be simple.  The prayers of the novena are meant as a preparation for her glorious feast - prepare - go to confession and pray - pray, pray, pray - especially the Rosary if you don't already.  Wear the Scapular.

Vergine Bruna

*My fake Neapolitan accent.

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