Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Novena for Christmas - Day 2

Adoration of the Infant Jesus
Francescuccio Ghissi

The Passion of the Infant Jesus.
Sometimes, indeed very often, His approach to us coincides with a catastrophe and is in the midst of it, and for that reason is hardly noticed. We are too intent on the din of the disaster to hear the "still, small voice," or we drown it with noisy tears. Disasters are not God's will; they are the result of sin and opposed to God's will; but in His mercy He does allow the suffering resulting from them, although never the sin that caused them, to be caught up into His love and do good. Thus Christ's first coming on earth was in the midst of the disaster of the world's suffering caused by sin, and it was precisely to take hold of this suffering and transform it by love that He came. - Wood of the Cradle, Wood of the Cross,  Caryll Houselander


“Divine Infant Jesus, I adore Your Cross,and I accept all the crosses you will be pleased to send me. Adorable Trinity, I offer you for the glory of the Holy Name of God all the adorations of the Sacred Heart of the Holy Infant Jesus.” - Ven. Marguerite of the Blessed Sacrament O.C.D.
 O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love.  I firmly resolve - with the help of thy grace - to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life.  Amen

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