Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Who is the faithful, far-sighted servant...

Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection

He knew fully his call to
love God
in everything he did,
and this he tried to do
But in this he needed no spiritual director
to advise him;
He did need a confessor to assure him of
sins forgiven.
He knew his faults very well
but did not permit himself
discouragement over them.
He confessed his sins,
never asking God to excuse them;
then went right on
loving and adoring God
and with peace in his heart. - The Practice of the Presence of God

Blessed are you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, to you I offer praise; for what you have hidden from the learned and the clever you have revealed to the merest children. [Mat. 11:25]

Blessed are the little saints of Carmel, "who must smile on us from heaven, hearing us" debate "on a plane on which they lingered so little, and to which they never had any pretensions.  Neither philosophers nor theologians, they aspired only to know and love God - to become saints." [Pere Marie-Eugene] These achieved their goal - God himself - each corresponding to the grace bestowed. 

"The greater the perfection one desires, the greater the dependence on divine grace." - Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection

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