Sunday, June 03, 2012

Lesson learned... I hope.

The other day I opened to the following quotes from The Furrow.
637  There are some who are so Pharisaical that they are scandalized when others repeat precisely what their own lips have let fall.

638  You are such a busybody that it seems as if your only concern were to dive into the lives of your neighbors.  And when, at last, you stumble upon an upright man of good will and energy who has stopped you in your tracks, you complain in public as if he had offended you.

Your shamelessness and deformed conscience... have led you thus far.  And that goes for many others. - St. JoseMaria
Then, after confession, I came upon this:
908  Don't be worried by those contradictions and all that talk.  It is true that we are working in a divine undertaking, but we are men.  And it is natural that as we walk we raise dust along the road.

If anything bothers you or hurts you, make use of it for your purification and, if necessary, to straighten out your own behavior. - St. JoseMaria
 All things work together for good for those who are called... 


  1. Is your profile picture Mitt Romney? LOL!

    1. I think it's really Terry!

    2. Haha! You win - it's Mitt.

    3. Terry, are you really Mitt Romney? A Mormon? Well I never????? This NEEDS to be outed!

    4. Haha! Told you I was important.

  2. I love St. Josemaria. He's not fun but everything he wrote cuts to quick. It stings becuase it's true.

    1. I have exactly the same reaction - I thought to myself - 'well, that's not very nice.' But it is true.


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