Wednesday, February 02, 2011

"Crackpot websites" - The one thing Euteneuer probably got right.

I know!  Beginning with this one.
Yeah - but now the crackpots are digging up Bayside messages to account for the revolution in Egypt and the weather in the United States.
Sheesh!  No wonder people are so easily seduced.
"Never take a man for your example in the task you have to perform, however holy he may be, for the devil will set his imperfections before you.  But imitate Christ who is supremely perfect and supremely holy, and you will never err." - Minor Works, #78, St.John of the Cross
Never follow spurious apparitions and false prophets. - Ignored Works, Terry Nelson
Never trust a priest with wood. - Ignored Works, Terry Nelson
Never join a priest's fan club. - More Ignored Works, Terry Nelson 


  1. Sound advice.

    But I am a fan (not a groupie) of the snarky Nelson.

  2. Thanks Carol. I just killed my followers widget because I discovered about 3 porn sites following me. Check your widgets people.

  3. what are widget?

    wrd verification: dig'ia

  4. It is an app in the sidebar - the followers box is a widget.

  5. No bad weather here..just damn COLD!! the rest of you guys have have the snow...we have artic blast going on....the wind yesterday felt just like a knife cutting through you...wind chill of 20 below...

    At least the gas company will be smiling...


  6. Chris7:22 AM

    I didn't see anything about our latest blizzards in the Bayside quotes... Did something get pulled? Did 'Veronica' have a hit?

    The way in which people took off in the comments sections of some blogs frightens me. I would hate to have a jury of those fellow Catholics.

  7. Crackpots, eh?

    That should be the name of a new Blog: Catholic Crackpots.

    The goal would be to help Truth come forth without fear of reprisals.

    Believe me, there will be repercussions.

    When the Freemasons that have much control of the Vatican (Bishop Fellay says there are four Lodges in control there) get their act together and start tracking down on the ‘Crackpots’, people will lose their jobs, their credit, and some their lives.

    Think they don’t have much control?

    Drive into any city or rural town in America, any one, and you will see their ‘welcome’ signs. Kind of like a dog that hikes its leg up on furniture to mark its property.

    That some Bishops are angry about being exposed is a good indicator there will be repercussions.

    Pray for Divine intervention.


  8. +JMJ+

    When will that leather-bound edition of your Ignored Works be available, Mr. Nelson?

    And do you take PayPal?

  9. Chris - some crackpot on Carol's blog brought it up in the comments.

    E - I should title it, Carckpot Maxims of Light and Darkness. Very Johanine, don't you think?

  10. Anonymous12:00 PM

    And to think -- I thought that nice Anonymous was directing her comments at me only to find out it was Bayside Veronica!!!

    St. Michael, the Masonic Lodge in our city is directly across the street from our Cathedral. Most appropriate. I will say no more.


  11. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Almost forgot.

    Mr. Nelson, would you autograph my copy of your book?


  12. I was going to buy Ignored Works, but I paid it no mind.

  13. +JMJ+

    I was going to order my copy, Mr. Nelson, but was shocked to see that you don't have a PayPal button on this blog.

    Why ever not???

    Don't all the Best Catholic Bloggers have PayPal buttons on their blogs?

    I'm beginning to wonder about you. =S


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