Saturday, November 14, 2009

Obama 'boweled' over... again

Begging for a caption call!
"Obama gives new meaning to the phrase, 'Ass to the moon'."
"How do you do Mr. Obsequious."
Seriously - is this proper protocol?  Should a sitting President of a sovereign nation bow to another country's royalty?  I would think shoulders straight at attention, a professional handshake and a slight nod would be the right way of doing things.  Does anyone know the protocol on this?  Or was this just a private visit and goodwill photo op - unlike his meeting with the Saudi King, wherein he half genuflected as well?


  1. State Department protocol is that the President does NOT bow. But Obambi does what Obambe wants to do.

    He's a fool and an embarrassment!

  2. Give'm a break. He just gets a touch of gas every now and then.

  3. As I recall he didn't get this same gas attack when meeting the Holy Father though...

  4. Jesus, give me strength...or take the wheel, as a famous CW song says...
    I am absolutely speechless...vuhklumped...silenced...whatever.

  5. Having lived in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures, I can defend the act of bowing because it is essentially the same as shaking a hand in the West (although someone needs to teach Obama bowing protocol; he should not be bowing any lower than the person he is greeting is bowing; the one who bows deepest is showing the greatest respect -- and that usually also means lower position). When two cultures meet, it is always difficult to know which culture's traditions to follow. I would say a bow and a handshake would take care of both cultures. It is when we insist only on Western ways that others begin to consider us arrogant for in our country most do adopt our ways. You know the adage: When in Rome...

  6. Elizabeth, thanks - I too have bowed when meeting Asians - not nearly as awkwardly I hope - perhaps he looks so clumsy because of his great height. My bows have amounted to a subtle inclination of the shoulders together with a slight nod, simultaneous with a handshake. Kinda, sorta. The bow for the emperor is definitely over the top...

    Off with his head!


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