Friday, February 27, 2009

What I did for love - I mean Lent.

Arbeit macht frei!
Actually, this Lent, I still haven't figured out what to give up, but as I told Thom, I have until Holy Saturday to figure that one out.
I was going to start going to morning Mass every day, but I decided I'll wait until next week to begin that.
Cathy of Alexandria posted some things she misses in local churches during Lent, and as usual, she got me thinking. I just can't remember what about.
Image source.
BTW, the Vatican was not pleased with Bishop Williamson's apology. Zey cun ve so stwicht!


  1. Duct tape really can fix anything!

  2. HaHa==Dom DeLuise in 12 CHAIRS "Oh, God, WHY are you so STRICT?!"

  3. I had forgotten myself for a minute.
    It is indeed true that what a person blogs about,and what they do (for Lent or otherwise ) can be entirely different , and that blogging is pretend.

    I don't like upsetting you, or anyone else for that matter, life is hard enough already ,and I know that your not feeling well.
    I am begining to get tired of blogging , but my kids at college enjoy my blog. I think blogging for me is stupid, on many levels ,and it lacks discretion. Just as you have said , although I am trying not to sin with it.

  4. My apologies Belinda. You are good.


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